Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth Performance

The Net Asset Value (NAV) of Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth is ₹114.34. It currently has assets under management (AUM) of ₹31388.88 crore, and its expense ratio is 0.38%.

This fund is a mid-cap fund and its benchmark is the Nifty Midcap 150 Index (TRI). Most of the money of Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme is invested in mid-cap companies. Most of these companies are either in the initial stage or in the growth stage. Although this fund may see a lot of volatility in the short term, midcap companies have the potential to show high growth in the long term.

Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund launched this equity scheme on January 3, 2013, and looking at the performance of this fund so far, it has performed quite well. Since its inception, Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme has given a total return of 926.81% to its investors. For investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in this fund in the initial days, today the value of those ₹1 lakh shares has increased to ₹10.27 lakh.

In Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme, you can make a minimum investment, minimum additional investment, and a minimum SIP investment of up to ₹100. If we talk about withdrawal, then you can withdraw a minimum of ₹ 1000 from this fund. If we look at the Risk-O-Meter of this fund, then it comes in the category of very risky. If you decide to cash out your investment from this fund before 1 year, you will be charged an exit load of 1%. According to experts, investors who looking for good returns from this fund should hold it for a minimum period of 5 years.

Last updated on January 15, 2025 at 9:19:30 AM

Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth Plan Returns Performance

Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth Portfolio Top 10 Holding

Stock NameSectorHolding
Supreme IndustriesMaterials4.66%
Schaeffler IndiaCapital Goods3.53%
Persistent SystemsTechnology3.25%
Solar Industries IndiaChemicals2.93%
Cummins IndiaCapital Goods2.93%
ThermaxCapital Goods2.81%
Oberoi RealtyConstruction2.66%
SKF IndiaCapital Goods2.6%
Bharat ForgeAutomobile2.59%
  • The fund has invested money in 81 companies, out of which you can see the list of top 10 invested companies above.
  • The fund has invested 93.89% of its investments in equities and 6.11% in others.
  • The fund has made the maximum investment in Supreme Industries Limited with 4.66% of the total equity.

Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth Portfolio Sector Weightage

SectorSector weightage
Industrial Products16.94 %
Consumer Durables13.51 %
Auto Components9.58 %
Banks7.6 %
Chemicals and Petrochemicals6.07 %
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology5.76 %
Fertilizers and Agrochemicals4.83 %
Cement and Cement Products4.61 %
Finance4.2 %
IT – Software3.07 %
  • Kotak Emerging Equity Fund has made the most investments in companies operating in the industrial products sector, accounting for 16.94% of the total equity.
  • Let’s look at the allocation according to market cap. Kotak Emerging Equity Direct G has invested 66.41% of its total equity in mid-cap companies, 16.46% in large-cap companies, and 11.19% in small-cap companies. The remaining 5.94% is unclassified.

Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth Yearwise Performance

YearOpeningClosingGain/ Fall
  • Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme has also given very good returns on an annual basis.
  • The scheme has declined only twice on an annual basis so far, with the biggest decline being -10.42% in 2018. There has been no major decline in this fund since its inception.
  • This growth plan has given returns of more than 10% 7 times since 2013, out of which three times it has given returns of more than 40%.

Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth Plan Returns

Time PeriodAbsolute ReturnsAnnualized Returns
1 Year22.81%22.81%
2 Years67.34%29.36%
3 Years68.96%19.11%
4 Years151.69%25.96%
5 Years211.79%25.54%
6 Years262.02%23.91%
7 Years216.35%17.88%
8 Years346.41%20.56%
9 Years463.39%21.18%
10 Years457.13%18.74%
  • Kotak Emerging Equity Fund Direct Plan has been up 68.96% in the last 3 years.
  • Over the last 5 years, the scheme has given an annual average return of 25.54% to its investors.
  • In the last 7 years, it has increased its investors’ money 3x.
  • In the last 10 years, it gave a return of 457.13% to its investors.
  • It has seen a CAGR growth of 21.35% since its inception.

₹1 lakh Invested in Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth (Lumpsum)

Time PeriodReturn on ₹1 Lakh (Lumpsum)
1 Year₹1.23 lakh
2 Years₹1.67 lakh
3 Years₹1.69 lakh
4 Years₹2.52 lakh
5 Years₹3.12 lakh
6 Years₹3.62 lakh
7 Years₹3.16 lakh
8 Years₹4.46 lakh
9 Years₹5.63 lakh
10 Years₹5.57 lakh
MAX₹10.27 lakh
  • If you had invested ₹1 lakh in this fund three years ago, the value of those ₹1 lakh shares would have grown to ₹1.69 lakh today.
  • If you had invested ₹1 lakh in this fund five years ago, the value of those ₹1 lakh shares would have grown to ₹3.12 lakh today.
  • If you had invested ₹1 lakh in this fund ten years ago, the value of those ₹1 lakh shares would have grown to ₹5.57 lakh today.
  • If you had invested ₹1 lakh in this fund at the time of its inception, the value of those ₹1 lakh shares would have increased to ₹10.27 lakh today.

₹1000 Monthly Invested in Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth (SIP)

Time PeriodInvestedLatest ValueSIP Returns
1 Year₹12,000₹12,6265.21%
2 Years₹24,000₹30,80628.36%
3 Years₹36,000₹51,96044.33%
4 Years₹48,000₹75,95758.24%
5 Years₹60,000₹116,50694.18%
6 Years₹72,000₹158,532120.18%
7 Years₹84,000₹200,890139.15%
8 Years₹96,000₹244,669154.86%
9 Years₹108,000₹302,066179.69%
10 Years₹120,000₹366,604205.50%
  • If you had invested ₹1000 every month in this blue-chip equity fund of Canara Robeco for the last 36 months (3 years), then today its price would have been ₹51,960 and you would have got a return of 44.33% on your investment.
  • If you had invested ₹ 1000 every month in this direct growth plan of Canara Robeco in the last 60 months (5 years), then today its value would have been ₹116,506, and you would have got a return of 94.18% on your investment.
  • If you had invested ₹1000 every month in this direct growth plan of Canara Robeco over the last 120 months (10 years), it would have been worth ₹366,604 today, and you would have got a return of 205.50% on your investment.


Although Kotak Emerging Equity Mutual Fund has a good track record of performance, this fund is not for all investors. This fund is suitable for investors who want to invest and hold for at least 5 years and are willing to take some moderate to high level of risk for the possibility of higher returns. But before any investment, one should do a thorough study and also consult a financial advisor before making any investment decision.

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Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct G (FAQ)

What is Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth?

This is an equity fund that does more than 90% of investment in the share market. Most of these listed companies are emerging mid-cap companies that have the possibility of higher returns in the long term.

What is the NAV of Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth?

Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth Net Asset Value (NAV) is ₹114.34.

What is the Expense Ratio of the Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth?

Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme Direct Growth expense ratio is 0.38% (as of 26 October 2023).

What is the Minimum Investment Amount for Kotak Emerging Equity Fund?

You can invest a minimum of ₹100 in this fund.

What is the Minimum SIP Amount for Kotak Emerging Equity Fund?

You can do a minimum SIP of ₹100 in this fund.

What is the Minimum Withdrawal Amount for Kotak Emerging Equity Fund?

You can withdraw a minimum of ₹1000 from this fund.

How is Kotak Emerging Equity Fund for Investment?

This fund gives you the ability to grow your wealth and earn higher returns. It is a fund based on a high-risk, high-return strategy that can give you good returns in the long term.

Who are the Fund Managers of Kotak Emerging Equity Fund?

Pankaj Tibrewal has been managing this fund since its inception.

What is the last 5-year performance of Kotak Emerging Equity Fund Direct Growth?

Kotak Emerging Equity Fund has gained 211.79% in the last 5 years. For investors who had invested a lump sum of ₹1 lakh in the fund at that time, the value of shares worth ₹1 lakh has increased to ₹3.12 lakh today.

Last 10 Years Performance of Kotak Emerging Equity Fund Direct Growth?

Kotak Emerging Equity Fund has gained 457.13% in the last 10 years. For investors who had invested a lump sum of ₹1 lakh in the fund at that time, the value of shares worth ₹1 lakh has increased to ₹5.57 lakh today.

We hope this information will help you in your research and decision-making process. If you like this article then you can share it with your friends. Finally, always remember that it is important to do thorough research, consult a financial advisor, and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions. Thank you for choosing us as a resource (research) and we wish you all the best in your investing journey.

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