Top 100 Multibagger Stocks with Highest Returns in Last 3 Years

Hello friends, welcome to our blog post! Today we will introduce you to the Top 100 Multibagger Stocks with the highest returns in the Last 3 Years. Like other investors, you too would be interested to know about multibaggar stocks, that is why you are reading our blog. After reading this blog post, you will know about many multibaggar stocks, that have earned tremendous returns to their investors, and there can be a possibility of giving more in the future also. All you need to do is study and invest in a fundamentally good stock.

We have made a list of these Top 100 Stocks out of 4000+ active companies listed in BSE, which have given the highest returns in the last 3 years. But keep in mind that these top 100 stocks have been selected only based on performance. No fundamental analysis and any analysis related to the company’s business has been done in these stocks. These are just raw stocks that are selected only based on stock performance in the last three years. Also, it includes only those stocks whose records are available in Google Finance.

Last Updated on December 24, 2024 at 7:43:14 AM

Top 100 Multibagger Stocks with Highest Returns in Last 3 Years

TOP 10 Multibagger Stocks with Highest Returns in Last 3 Years

Below you can see the list of Top 100 Multibagger Stocks listed in BSE, which have given the highest returns in the last three years. Besides, you can also know that, if an investor had invested ₹ 1 lakh in these stocks three years ago, what would have been the value of those shares today?

#1 Eyantra Ventures Limited

Three years ago, the price of one share of Eyantra Ventures Limited was ₹3.43, and currently, its share price is around ₹963.90. During this period the company’s shares value has increased by 28002%. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹2.81 Crore.

#2 Ujaas Energy

Three years ago the price of one share of Ujaas Energy was ₹3.18, and currently, its share price is around ₹580.55. The company’s shares have increased by 18156% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹1.83 Crore.

#3 Justride Enterprises

Three years ago the price of one share of Justride Enterprises was ₹0.82, and currently, its share price is around ₹149.15. The company’s shares have increased by 18089% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹1.82 Crore.

#4 Vantage Knowledge Academy

Three years ago the price of one share of Vantage Knowledge Academy was ₹1.34, and currently, its share price is around ₹220.55. The company’s shares have increased by 16359% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹1.65 Crore.

#5 Integrated Technologies

Three years ago the price of one share of Integrated Technologies was ₹0.17, and currently, its share price is around ₹26.31. The company’s shares have increased by 15376% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹1.55 Crore.

#6 Tine Agro Limited

Three years ago the price of one share of Tine Agro Limited was ₹0.13, and currently, its share price is around ₹15.55. The company’s shares have increased by 11862% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹1.2 Crore.

#7 Madhuveer Com 18 Network

Three years ago the price of one share of Madhuveer Com 18 Network was ₹2.62, and currently, its share price is around ₹299.00. The company’s shares have increased by 11312% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹1.14 Crore.

#8 Standard Capital Markets

Three years ago the price of one share of Standard Capital Markets was ₹0.01, and currently, its share price is around ₹1.02. The company’s shares have increased by 10100% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹1.02 Crore.

#9 Mercury Ev-Tech

Three years ago the price of one share of Mercury Ev-Tech was ₹0.85, and currently, its share price is around ₹86.25. The company’s shares have increased by 10047% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹1.01 Crore.

#10 Sobhagya Merchantile

Three years ago the price of one share of Sobhagya Merchantile was ₹2.87, and currently, its share price is around ₹285.40. The company’s shares have increased by 9844% during this period. Investors who had invested ₹1 lakh in the company’s shares three years ago, today the value of those shares has become ₹99.44 Lakhs.

List of all 100 Multibagger Stocks with Highest Returns in the Last 3 Years

Multibagger Stock NameReturnsReturn on ₹1 lakh
Eyantra Ventures Limited28002%₹2.81 Crore
Ujaas Energy18156%₹1.83 Crore
Justride Enterprises18089%₹1.82 Crore
Vantage Knowledge Academy16359%₹1.65 Crore
Integrated Technologies15376%₹1.55 Crore
Tine Agro Limited11862%₹1.2 Crore
Madhuveer Com 18 Network11312%₹1.14 Crore
Standard Capital Markets10100%₹1.02 Crore
Mercury Ev-Tech10047%₹1.01 Crore
Sobhagya Merchantile9844%₹99.44 Lakhs
Manbro Industries Limited9335%₹94.35 Lakhs
Dhruva Capital Services9138%₹92.38 Lakhs
KKRRAFTON Developers Limited8732%₹88.32 Lakhs
Pulsar International8579%₹86.79 Lakhs
Arunjyoti Bio Ventures8200%₹83 Lakhs
Aayush Food & Herbs7931%₹80.31 Lakhs
Ceenik Exports7476%₹75.76 Lakhs
Rmc Switchgears6735%₹68.35 Lakhs
Shilchar Technologies6697%₹67.97 Lakhs
Naysaa Securities6438%₹65.38 Lakhs
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited6241%₹63.41 Lakhs
Jhaveri Credits & Capital5735%₹58.35 Lakhs
Capfin India Limited5248%₹53.48 Lakhs
Nintec Systems5040%₹51.4 Lakhs
Lucent Industries4726%₹48.26 Lakhs
Dolphin Offshore Enterprises (India)4559%₹46.59 Lakhs
Mercury Trade Links4314%₹44.14 Lakhs
Advait Infratech4140%₹42.4 Lakhs
Nibe Limited4061%₹41.61 Lakhs
Espire Hospitality4005%₹41.05 Lakhs
Sky Gold3934%₹40.34 Lakhs
Gensol Engineering3731%₹38.31 Lakhs
Mirch Technologies3669%₹37.69 Lakhs
Balgopal Commercial3513%₹36.13 Lakhs
Transformers & Rectifiers3483%₹35.83 Lakhs
Archana Software3432%₹35.32 Lakhs
Piccadily Agro Industries3426%₹35.26 Lakhs
Vintron Informatics3356%₹34.56 Lakhs
Viceroy Hotels3209%₹33.09 Lakhs
Padam Cotton Yarns3162%₹32.62 Lakhs
Sejal Glass3135%₹32.35 Lakhs
Ace Engitech3135%₹32.35 Lakhs
Rajeshwari Cans3077%₹31.77 Lakhs
Efc (I) Limited3053%₹31.53 Lakhs
Scan Projects2921%₹30.21 Lakhs
Quest Softech2825%₹29.25 Lakhs
Gujchem Distillers India2798%₹28.98 Lakhs
Cinerad Communications2791%₹28.91 Lakhs
AK Spintex2763%₹28.63 Lakhs
Rajoo Engineers2659%₹27.59 Lakhs
Imec Services Limited2614%₹27.14 Lakhs
Ace Software Exports2593%₹26.93 Lakhs
Taylormade Renewables2585%₹26.85 Lakhs
Flora Textiles2564%₹26.64 Lakhs
Precision Containeurs2460%₹25.6 Lakhs
Kaycee Industries2390%₹24.9 Lakhs
Shukra Pharmaceuticals2345%₹24.45 Lakhs
Sree Jayalakshmi Autospin2301%₹24.01 Lakhs
Delton Cables2288%₹23.88 Lakhs
Magellanic Cloud2273%₹23.73 Lakhs
Last Mile Enterprises2227%₹23.27 Lakhs
SG Mart2194%₹22.94 Lakhs
Visco Trade Associates2192%₹22.92 Lakhs
Hazoor Multi Projects2150%₹22.5 Lakhs
Beekay Niryat2118%₹22.18 Lakhs
Waaree Renewable Technologies2117%₹22.17 Lakhs
Regency Ceramics2088%₹21.88 Lakhs
Arihant Foundations & Housing2083%₹21.83 Lakhs
Epic Energy2048%₹21.48 Lakhs
Gretex Corporate Services2044%₹21.44 Lakhs
Chemtech Industrial Valves2029%₹21.29 Lakhs
Marsons Limited2027%₹21.27 Lakhs
Jagsonpal Finance & Leasing2003%₹21.03 Lakhs
Lorenzini Apparels1977%₹20.77 Lakhs
Madhusudan Securities1950%₹20.5 Lakhs
Akm Creations1930%₹20.3 Lakhs
Refex Industries1910%₹20.1 Lakhs
Panorama Studios International1880%₹19.8 Lakhs
Kuber Udyog Limited1868%₹19.68 Lakhs
Trishakti Electronics & Industries1836%₹19.36 Lakhs
BN Holdings Limited1828%₹19.28 Lakhs
Rir Power Electronics1771%₹18.71 Lakhs
City Pulse Multiplex1759%₹18.59 Lakhs
Swadeshi Polytex1743%₹18.43 Lakhs
Marble City India1731%₹18.31 Lakhs
F MEC International Financial Services Limited1711%₹18.11 Lakhs
Websol Energy System1686%₹17.86 Lakhs
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders1681%₹17.81 Lakhs
Alfa Transformers1681%₹17.81 Lakhs
Pocl Enterprises1676%₹17.76 Lakhs
Miven Machine Tools1661%₹17.61 Lakhs
RRSecurities1649%₹17.49 Lakhs
Alacrity Securities1645%₹17.45 Lakhs
Blue Chip India1617%₹17.17 Lakhs
Raj Rayon Industries1612%₹17.12 Lakhs
Prime Industries1608%₹17.08 Lakhs
Technvision Ventures1597%₹16.97 Lakhs
Knowledge Marine & Engineering Works1592%₹16.92 Lakhs
Ge T&D India1589%₹16.89 Lakhs
Shanti Educational Initiatives1586%₹16.86 Lakhs

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By investing in a good stock one can earn 5x, 10x, and much more in a short time, but for this one must have a deep understanding of the stock market. Also, one thing should always be kept in mind investing in the stock market is full of risks and uncertainties, hence it is very important to do your research before making any decision related to investment.

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